When 700,000 Jews were sent to gas chamber in Poland, "Boston Globe gave it the headline 'Mass Murders of Jews in Poland Pass 700,000 Mark' but buried the story on page 12. The New York Times called it 'probably the greatest mass slaughter in history' but gave it only two inches."
Make no mistake, the Holocaust was not a masterpiece of the notorious Hitler alone. Anti-Semitism is a global phenomenon. How come Jews were hated by the whole world to such an extent that no one care about their life anymore? Historian Paul Johnson traced the history of Jews all the way to Bible till now.
I just read the last 2 chapters, which started with the World War II and the establishment of Israel. Though the author seems to have a more sympathetic view towards Jews, it didn't tarnish the elegantly-put arguments.
Bought the book in Krakow, Poland, at which the largest concentration camps in WWII located. You can't help to ponder on the whole tragedy.