Buying and selling volatility
Author:Kevin B. Connolly
美中不足的是,如何決定一隻股份平貴的理論很多,但究竟如何決定波幅平貴及如何尋找入市機會則鮮有書藉提及,此書也少了這一章,令本書只能停留在理論在層次.建議看完這本書後,可挑戰john hull的Options, Futures and Other Derivatives<--絕對好勁!
2 則留言:
Oooo! This is one of my favourite! It cost me $HK600 when I bought it at 11/1998. In my opinion, this book is even better than Hull's "Options, Futures and Other Derivatives". "Buying and selling volatility" is more advance and practical; it provide a very clear explanation for various factors that influence option price. Moreover, it expalin how issuer/hedger delta hedge their position. Excellent book, definitely worth the money.
oops, i only borrowed it from HKU library and not knew it sold at HK600!